Canada Samples N Freebies N Deals Coupon Train |
It's time to sign up for
Canada Samples N Freebies N Deals Coupon Train!!
Click here to read the rules and guidelines before you sign up to make sure that this is a train suitable for you! Space is limited and spots on the trains will be on a first come first serve basis. Please email
BranNLinds@gmail.com and leave your full name, address and phone number by Saturday February 25th at 1pm EST. In case of overload we were also looking for volunteer conductors, if this is something that interests you, please let us know in your email. We will assign members to a group, make everyone aware via the email they emailed us at and get the train out by the end of February!! And don't worry, if you don't make it on one of these trains, this is just the beginning!